It's not hard to write a poem

It's not hard to write a poem
You let your pen flow 
On the pages that are blank
Filling them with your thoughts
You let your hand make movements 
To form words on the sheets that lie
In front of you, dry, waiting to be filled
Slowly, or in a haste 
A poem is a thought that lurks 
In the darkness when you're trying
To fall asleep
It is an emotion you feel 
When you're waiting for a friend 
At the bus stop, and they get late
It's a memory of when your parent
Held your bag when it got too heavy 
When you came back from school 
It's anything that sparks you
Builds up a will to pick up a pen
And jot down a few lines
No rhymes
It's not hard to write a poem
It's not hard to be a poet
For a poet is everyone who 
Can dream, can think
Can stop and look at a street light
And imagine how it shines 
It's not hard to write a poem
For a poet is everyone that smiles


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